This provoked a big debate among autistic people and their family members, particularly those who identify with the term ‘Asperger’. Problems with social interaction, non-verbal communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior. [117], There is some evidence that children with AS may see a lessening of symptoms; up to 20% of children may no longer meet the diagnostic criteria as adults, although social and communication difficulties may persist. How to pronounce Asperger's syndrome. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and sertraline have been effective in treating restricted and repetitive interests and behaviors,[13][14][69] while stimulant medication, such as methylphenidate, can reduce inattention. In many cases, they can be more empathetic or emotionally aware than non-autistic people. For more detailed information please see our cookie policy. Some autistic people have a very literal understanding of language, and think people always mean exactly what they say. Diagnostic. [17][40], The World Health Organization (WHO) defined Asperger syndrome (AS) as one of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which are a spectrum of psychological conditions that are characterized by abnormalities of social interaction and communication that pervade the individual's functioning, and by restricted and repetitive interests and behavior. [100] None have been shown to reliably differentiate between AS and other ASDs. Asperger died before his identification of this pattern of behaviour became widely recognised. [50] They include hand movements such as flapping or twisting, and complex whole-body movements. Asperger described this "autistic psychopathy" as social isolation. Définition, caractéristiques, dépistage, prise en charge… On fait le point sur le syndrome d’Asperger. One person loved collecting rubbish, for example. [109] Vocational training is important to teach job interview etiquette and workplace behavior to older children and adults with AS, and organization software and personal data assistants can improve the work and life management of people with AS. [57], Three aspects of communication patterns are of clinical interest: poor prosody, tangential and circumstantial speech, and marked verbosity. Some may want to interact with other people and make friends, but may be unsure how to go about it. There is no evidence that these motor skills problems differentiate AS from other high-functioning ASDs. Asperger's syndrome translation in English-French dictionary. With encouragement, this particular person developed an interest in recycling and the environment. There is increased dopaminergic activity, whereas there is reduced serotonin due to reduced tryptophan. English researcher Lorna Wing proposed the condition Asperger's syndrome in a 1981 paper, Asperger's syndrome: a clinical account, that challenged the previously accepted model of autism presented by Leo Kannerin 1943. [67], Hans Asperger described common traits among his patients' family members, especially fathers, and research supports this observation and suggests a genetic contribution to Asperger syndrome. [105] Medication can be effective in combination with behavioral interventions and environmental accommodations in treating comorbid symptoms such as anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, inattention, and aggression. [9] The "gold standard" in diagnosing ASDs combines clinical judgment with the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), a semistructured parent interview; and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), a conversation and play-based interview with the child. Proponents of this view reject the notion that there is an "ideal" brain configuration and that any deviation from the norm is pathological; they promote tolerance for what they call neurodiversity. [135] Asperger defended the value of so called "high-functioning" autistic individuals, writing: "We are convinced, then, that autistic people have their place in the organism of the social community. Each person is different, and it is up to each individual how they choose to identify. [22][23] The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who, in 1944, described children in his care who struggled to form friendships, did not understand others' gestures or feelings, engaged in one-sided conversations about their favorite interests, and were clumsy. Named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906–1980), Asperger syndrome is a relatively new diagnosis in the field of autism, though a syndrome like it was described as early as 1925 by Soviet child psychiatrist Grunya Sukhareva(1891–1981), leading some of those diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (particularly those of a left-wing persuasion) to instead refer to their condition as 'Sukhareva's Syndrome', in opposition to Hans Asperger's Nazism. [124] Females with autism spectrum disorders may be underdiagnosed. . [132][133] In 1944, Asperger described four children in his practice[14] who had difficulty in integrating themselves socially and showing empathy towards peers. [141] These views are the basis for the autistic rights and autistic pride movements. [126] AS is associated with tics, Tourette syndrome and bipolar disorder. Differences in global and local level information processing in autism: An fMRI investigation . Les tr… How to say Asperger's syndrome. It is characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behavior, activities, and interests, and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language. [24] The modern conception of Asperger syndrome came into existence in 1981 and went through a period of popularization. Although inflection and intonation may be less rigid or monotonic than in classic autism, people with AS often have a limited range of intonation: speech may be unusually fast, jerky, or loud. [13][102], Managing AS ideally involves multiple therapies that address core symptoms of the disorder. Although individuals with AS usually understand the cognitive basis of humor, they seem to lack understanding of the intent of humor to share the enjoyment with others. [13] Although these special interests may change from time to time, they typically become more unusual and narrowly focused and often dominate social interaction so much that the entire family may become immersed. [6], The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown. [78] A related theory—enhanced perceptual functioning—focuses more on the superiority of locally oriented and perceptual operations in autistic individuals. The narrow conception of the neurodiversity claim should be accepted but the broader claim should not. Many channel their interest into studying, paid work, volunteering, or other meaningful careers or jobs. In particular, understanding and relating to other people, and taking part in everyday family, school, work and social life, can be harder. It's given me bad fine motor coordination problems where I can hardly write. [29] However, not all individuals with AS will approach others. [119], Although many attend regular education classes, some children with AS may attend special education classes such as separate classroom and resource room because of their social and behavioral difficulties. Individuals with AS may be unable to identify and communicate their internal moods and emotions or to tolerate side effects that for most people would not be problematic. [9] Most behavioral genetic research suggests that all autism spectrum disorders have shared genetic mechanisms, but AS may have a stronger genetic component than autism. Fulltext Access 11 Pages 2012. [70] Many environmental factors have been hypothesized to act after birth, but none has been confirmed by scientific investigation. Asperger's syndrome. [13] Reports have associated AS with medical conditions such as aminoaciduria and ligamentous laxity, but these have been case reports or small studies and no factors have been associated with AS across studies. [56], Although individuals with Asperger syndrome acquire language skills without significant general delay and their speech typically lacks significant abnormalities, language acquisition and use is often atypical. An interest may sometimes be unusual. Unlike the international standard,[41] the DSM-IV-TR criteria also required significant impairment in day-to-day functioning;[44] DSM-5 eliminated AS as a separate diagnosis in 2013, and folded it into the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders. L'identification des formes plus légères d'autisme de haut niveau, comme le syndrome d'Asperger, peut aussi être très problématique pour un médecin inexpérimenté. [105] Abnormalities in metabolism, cardiac conduction times, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes have been raised as concerns with antipsychotic medications,[113][114] along with serious long-term neurological side effects. The cost and difficulty of screening and assessment can delay diagnosis. Restricted interests or repetitive behaviors, such as this boy's interest in playing with a toy model of molecules, may be features of Asperger's. [107] Despite the popularity of social skills training, its effectiveness is not firmly established. [105] Although research into the efficacy of pharmaceutical intervention for AS is limited,[13] it is essential to diagnose and treat comorbid conditions. For instance, someone with Asperger syndrome may be very funny or sarcastic themselves, but they may not always pick up on sarcasm. A person who has Asperger syndrome may not fit in well with other people, and may be unable to act like everyone else in different social situations. Il toucherait environ 600 000 personnes dans le monde. [needs update][13][47] More evidence suggests that children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome are victims, rather than offenders.[48]. [70] Abnormal fetal development may affect the final structure and connectivity of the brain, resulting in altered neural circuits controlling thought and behavior. [14], Asperger's paper was published during World War II and in German, so it was not widely read elsewhere. [9] Fifty years later, several standardizations of AS as a medical diagnosis were tentatively proposed, many of which diverge significantly from Asperger's original work. Our site uses cookies for key functions and to give you the best experience. They may: This does not mean that autistic people (including those with Asperger syndrome) lack empathy or the ability to feel emotions. An eight-year study into his relationship with the Nazi regime was published in 2018, concluding that he assisted in their euthanasia programme. [104] Depression is often the result of chronic frustration from repeated failure to engage others socially, and mood disorders requiring treatment may develop. [121], Education of families is critical in developing strategies for understanding strengths and weaknesses;[14] helping the family to cope improves outcomes in children. [13] The atypical antipsychotic medications risperidone, olanzapine and aripiprazole have been shown to reduce the associated symptoms of AS;[13][110][111] risperidone can reduce repetitive and self-injurious behaviors, aggressive outbursts, and impulsivity, and improve stereotypical patterns of behavior and social relatedness.
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